Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gadget Review: The Protest Survival Kit

OK, don't get me wrong, I'm all about the funding site, which solely is responsible for getting various projects for regular people off the ground by aiding funding. With that being said, This idea is fucking retarded (for lack of an available thesaurus).

The "Kit" consists of:
1) Respirator Mask.
     So not only will you look like a total asshole, no one around you will even be able to understand what the hell your trying to say. Thank you for not Smoking.

1) Pair of Safety Goggles
      Because when entering a Riot, you can never be too safe when trying to avoid getting sawdust in your eye. Tear Gas?? Pffffff

1) Pair of Ear Plugs
     so when the police inevitably show up to your protest, god knows they wont be happy. and when police in Riot Gear aren't happy, They Yell. And that hurts. "What? Go where??? What Baton?"

1)Pepper Spray Cleansing Wipe
    Shoot me once, shame on you...but shoot me twice...shit i didn't pack a second Rapist wet nap.

     Can never be to sure of that pesky weatherman, so why not pack a poncho? A little rain never stopped a riot

1)Cotton Hood
     don't worry, its made out of 100% cotton, that can repel Bricks, Rocks, Stones, Human Feces and Tazers.

     I know this doesn't technically a "Gadget" but hey, it was on a Gadget Site so I'm running with it. This could be the dumbest idea for a "Kit:" That I have ever seen. No one in history has ever left for a protest and thought to themselves "hmm...did i pack those earplugs?". Take Vancouver's Protest after they lost the Stanley Cup this past summer. Do you honestly think 1single person in that Riot was worried about if they wore their Cotton Hood or not, as they were flipping a police car? Pretty useless Eh?

Gadget Verdict:       5 Cow Pies out of 5. (Extremely Shitty Gadget)

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