Thursday, December 29, 2011

Weird Sceince: Chicken-O-Saurus

This Weeks weird Science Story is alot like Jurassic Park. And alot like Frankenstein. And alot like Chicken Run.
       Paleontologist Jack Horner wants to turn Chickens back into Dinosaurs. Simple enough. Sounds like an honest days worth of work, right? Who WOULDN'T want a Chickenosaurus running around the coop? I personally can't stand chickens so he's got my blessing. If they didn't taste excellent and create the key tool for an omelet, chickens woulda been gone years ago. They're annoying, they have terrible skin texture, and they do that weird Micheal Myers head tilt thing when they look at you. Who needs that shit?

Insert lab created MiniDinosaur * HERE*

I'm all about a MiniDinosaur, you would be THE talk of the park walking that thing around. Personally I'd breed them for racing, but there are just SOOO many possibilities to list for the uses of and for a Mini Dinosaur. So here's my Top Ten:

10) MiniDinosaur Racing (think of all the sponsors!)
9)   MiniDinosaur Dino-shows (love to see a judge see how tight a MinoDino's ass is..and live to tell about it)
8)   Seeing-Eye MiniDinosaurs (They can see everything...well, that is, unless it doesn't move)
7)   MiniDinosaur Nip (Just Sprinkle some on ur friend who's passed out for a fun party gag / circumcision)
6)   MiniDinosaur Eggs (cuz i want a scrambled egg that Spielberg could make a movie about)
5)   MiniDinosaur Police Dinos ("Come out with your hands up!...and still attached to your body!")
4)   MiniDinosaur Cages (*note: install a backup generator in case of power outage during a tropical storm)
3)   MiniDinosaur Bestiality (what? you wouldn't pay to see how that would go down?)
2)   MiniDinosaur Movies (because "All MiniDinosaurs Go To Heaven" has a good ring to it)
1)   MiniDinosaur Fetch (well, have you fucking thrown a Frisbee to a dinosaur? Didn't think so.)

Got any other things you would want to do with a MiniDinosaur...please tell me :)


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