Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gadget Review: The iShower

Coming in March of 2012 for a convenient price of $99.99, is the mother of all shower accessories...ear-drum roll please......The iShower!!! Finally, a shower attachment that allows you to sync your Apple or Android device and play music while in the shower. Yes, I fully understand that there are a plethora of these in existence, and as you know since you've most likely been sucked in to purchasing one of them, they ALL SUCK. Half of them will not sync, the volume will not function properly or they will just plain die on you. This one actually syncs to up to 5 different sources (Apple or Android) that can be up to 200ft away! Not only that, it can be removed from its shower base and be brought out to your poolside tiki hut without any fear of it getting wet and ruined. Even better, it actually has the time on it as well so you can have proof that you shampoo'd much longer due to trying to keep rhythm to the acoustic version of "Stairway to Heaven". Oh, and it also doubles as a fogless mirror. Nuff' said. You can pre-order the iShower at its official site Here

Gadget Verdict:    0 Cow Pies out of 5. (Utterly Amazing Gadget)

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