Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We Bought A Zoo...well, A "Human" Zoo.

Way to go India. Having a Zoo is one level of awesome, but a Human Zoo!? Just plain innovative. Theres alot of bullshittyness sparking out of a recent video released of a Human Zoo located on India's own Andaman Islands. Yes, obivously, I had to watch the video, and so can you Here. The video shows a primative tribe's women being forced to sing and dance for the camera. and NO, it is not the SPICE Girls. Apparently these "Human Safari Tours" are nothing new and up to atleast 8 Indian travel companies have been offering them. Well where the hell is the website?! and how much does this cost?! After the amount of money i dished out walking the 85 mile trek that is Disney's Animal Kingdom just to see a Fake, oversized tree and a 12 minute viewing of A Bugs Life 3-D, consider me in! BUMBLE-BEE-TUNA!!!

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