Friday, January 6, 2012

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 3-D, Feb. 10th 2012

I know this post is a little late, but with all of the hype surrounding France's own Darth Vader Burger, I couldn't pass up this opportunity to relish in my excitement for this movie to come to the 3-D format. Since its initial relase, I have always wondered what it would be like to witness an epic Pod Race in 3-D, balls deep in a large bag of popcorn. This format change can only help this movie, and for once i dont feel like the whole 3-D concept is being pointlessly shoved down my throat. Now, Ill be forced to wait for my other wish of having JarJar be killed off immediately in the second scene, since along with EVERY STAR WARS FAN, I hate that floppy-eared fuck. Well, atleast Lucas left that static-character's ass off of the Official Poster and made Darth Maul the focal point (Finally George, your getting it) Feb 10th. Mark your calenders.

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